You Be the Judge (Oh Yeah)

You Be the Judge (Oh Yeah)
PLAY: You Be the Judge (Oh Yeah)
time: 1:47; specs: 1.6 MB mp3
written and performed by: John Kerry, George Bush, and Bob Schieffer; music and editing: Cecil Vortex
In case you missed Wednesday night’s third and final Presidential debate, here’s a quick and dirty recap in one minute and change. Set to drum and keys, with accompanying horse clops. As the saying goes: it’s got a good beat. And you can dance to it. Watch the skies, -CV

6 comments on “You Be the Judge (Oh Yeah)

  1. that’s hot…and it IS a toe-tapper! (tidy new category). my only complaint–the “buggy” thing has a hells-a-poppins quality (yes, it’s that catchy), and i must now rinse thoroughly to remove residual GWB.

  2. “Paging Mr. Limbaugh? Paging Mr. Limbaugh? Please report to the Lost and Found to claim some real Excellence in Broadcasting…”

  3. Let the debate remixes begin

    Never have the presidentiaries been so danceable.

  4. awesome. made me do a shimmy sham on the sly. sweet politics to music my soul do shine. love the horse and carriage background.
    “I do not distinguish by the eye, but by the mind, which is the proper JUDGE of the man.”
    —Seneca (c. 3 B.C.–A.D.65), On a Happy Life. 2. (L’Estrange’s Abstract, Chap. i.)

  5. Love it, love it, love it.
    Prince (or The Artist Formerly Known As…) is going to be envious.

  6. Hysterical!
    I’m glad someone picked up on the “buggy and horse” and “pay-go” stuff and gave it the proper treatment (Paygo – isn’t that some island in the south Pacific?). I can’t believe this man is president. Hopefully for only another week.
    Well done, Cecil!
    Oh yeah!

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